Michael Jackson Tour '05
For the 5th year in a row, Gary
Monterosso and I were honored to accompany Michael Jackson, the Beerhunter,
on a day of fine food and beer traveling. Each year has had its unique
set of circumstances, but things always work out and we have a fun day.
For this trip, MJ had a camera crew following him to document his travels
for possible future release on DVD. This production company films his DVDs
for the Beer Club members. (Info on these can be found at realbeer.com.)
This year, we had to begin by
picking MJ up in Lewes, Delaware after he enjoyed an evening with the crew
from Dogfish Head. Sam Calagione is one of Michael's favorite people and
takes every chance possible to confer with this most innovative of brewers.

Gary and I got an early start to
board the first ferry at 7:30 as were to be there at 9:30. The weather
was cold and brisk but sunny. The trip over the Bay was a smooth one and
we took the chance to catnap. Arriving at the Inn at the Canal at 9, Gary
went in to see about MJ. He was already up and eating breakfast which we
were invited to join. Pleasantries with Michael were exchanged and we met
the management of the Inn with whom we conversed for a while. RJ and Clark,
the camera crew, returned and we got a chance to meet them and banter about
ideas concerning the productions while MJ prepared to check out of the
Inn. To show Sam Calagione's influence in this part of the world, Michael
had stayed in the Dogfish Suite, decorated with logos from the brewery
and their beer in the mini-bar. For reading material, many of MJ's books
were available as well as several other recent books on beer.
We loaded the bags into the
truck, did a bit of filming with Gary (and myself) and left out for Bear,
DE and Stewart's Brewing. We had always wanted to visit this brewpub where
Ric Hoffman is the brewer and has been doing some amazing things on his
small system. I had looked for a place to stop on our way to PA and found
this right in our path. Fortuitously, their beer was just chosen to be
included in MJ's tasting at the U of P on Saturday and he said it would
give him a chance to reacquaint himself with the beers and people as he
had not been there since 1995. Pulling into the small shopping center in
Bear, we were ready for our first beer of the day!

We were greeted by Al Stewart, the
owner, Ric and his assistant, John. Wasting no time, the beers started
to flow and Ric and Michael powwowed for the details on each while
RJ and Clark filmed away. We enjoyed some of Ric's best including some
of the last of his wedding beer, Bourbon Barrel Grand Cru. The barleywine
being tasted at the event('03) was poured along with the previous year's
vintage. Some of the new items still in the fermenter were also passed
around...a Munich Dunkel and a Double IPA, both looking to be very well
received when done.....can you say road trip?!!!! A hearty lunch was served
and then it was time to go.
The trip up I-95 was uneventful
other than a slight delay for an accident. We pulled into the lot at Yards
Brewing a little late, but ready for Round 2. Yards is in a very old building
in Kensington which was built as a brewery in the 18th century. Its character
is still there and is a great place to visit as well as work. We were greeted
by Joe, Nancy & Bill Barton and Tom Kehoe. Introductions were made
and again, with no time to waste, Tom began pouring the beers and explaining
their production. A short tour of the facility followed. (Yards will be
featured soon as Brewery of the Month)

Nancy suggested we stop at Standard
Tap for dinner and joined us to point the way. MJ had not been there either
for many years and for Gary and I, it was a premiere visit. William Reed,
the owner, met up with us and we found a cozy spot to seat all of us. This
venue will be covered on another web page in the future, but suffice it
to say, it is a fantastic local bar with great ambiance, beer and food.
As usual, beers were poured, food was served and conversations carried
on until, as Gary had promised Owen, we left to deliver Michael to his
hotel at a reasonable time and in reasonable shape. He had early appointments
for a phone interview with WHYY radio and a TV spot on CN8. We made sure
he and his bags were safely escorted to the Front Desk and we said our
goodbyes and headed home.
These days are always long, but
so enjoyable, we would not consider not doing them. I can't thank Gary
enough for keeping me included in these forays every year. Planning for
next year has already started!